Tomy MTX-150 Refrigerated Microcentrifuge with Rotor - 20 x 2mL

Tomy MTX-150 Refrigerated Microcentrifuge with Rotor - 20 x 2mL

Available quantity:1


The Tomy Seiko MTX-150 refrigerated benchtop centrifuge has a temperature range of 0 to 40°C and maximum speed of 15000 rpm, depending on the rotor installed. This centrifuge includes the TMA-S20 fixed-angle rotor (max 13000rpm) as seen in photos.


ManufacturerTomy Seiko Co Ltd
ModelMTX-150 and TMA-S20
Serial NumberK137105
MPNDoes not apply
Condition DescriptionIN GOOD WORKING ORDER
Capacity / Volume20 x 2mL
Temperature Range0 to 40°C
Maximum Speed (rpm)15,000
Electrical Requirements120V, 60hZ, 15A, 1 phase
Electrical Certification / Approval.
Dimensions23”W x 19”D x 13”H
Weight (lbs)100
Country/region of manufactureJapan
Custom LabelB2B