Foss CT 193 Cyclotec Sample Mill

Foss CT 193 Cyclotec Sample Mill

Available quantity:1


This Foss CT 193 Cyclotec sample mill is in good working order and includes the following:

  • 1mm sieve screen (size may be substituted if available)
  • 130mL amber sample bottle
  • NEW spare seal for grinding chamber (P/N 10001992)
  • NEW spare seal for sample bottle (P/N 10001990)

Other spare parts / accessories may be available for additional purchase - please inquire directly for availability and pricing.

The CT 193 Cyclotec offers a very rapid and convenient sample preparation in a variety of analytical techniques such as Kjeldahl, infrared reflectance, direct distillation, crude fibre and extraction. It is an excellent mill for all types of sample preparation where the requirements for fineness and uniformity of particle size are high. The CT 193 Cyclotec grinds samples by a high speed action, rolling the sample against the inner circumference of a durable grinding surface and then passes it through a fine mesh screen. The high volume air flow provides self cleaning, action, enabling whole series of samples to be ground with minimal cross contamination. 

Sample Type:

Dry samples prior to wet chemistry or IR analysis, up to 15% Moisture and 10% Fat, such as: Grains, Cereals Seeds Petfood pellets

Hay, straw (dried and cut to 2-3cm)

Silage (dried and cut to 2-3 cm)

Pelleted feed

Leaves Lime, Coal, Tobacco 

Sample Size: Up to 10 mm, large inlet up to 40 mm 

Grinding Rate/Time: Appr. 4 g/s



ManufacturerFoss Analytical Co Ltd
ModelCT 193 Cyclotec
Serial Number91757415
Condition DescriptionIN GOOD WORKING ORDER
Electrical Requirements115V, 60hZ, 650vA max
Electrical Certification / ApprovalCE
Dimensions8.5"W x 15"D x 18"H
Weight (lbs)40
Country/region of manufactureSweden
Custom LabelSM31