Vintage Torsion DLT2 Balance (120g x 0.01g)

Vintage Torsion DLT2 Balance (120g x 0.01g)

Available quantity:2


The Torsion DLT2 dial balance has a capacity of 120 grams x 0.01g. The metal case has a corrosion resistant gray finish constructed to exclude dust and chemicals. The hinged lid is 2.75"H with a glass front and top. The dial is graduated from zero to one gram by 10 milligram (.01 gram.) graduations. The balance is oil-damped to minimize oscillation and greatly facilitates the weighing operation by permitting rotation of the dial without arresting the pans.

Price is for one balance.


ManufacturerThe Torsion Balance Co
Serial NumberC1689 and C4424
MPNDoes not apply
Condition DescriptionIN WORKING ORDER
Capacity120g x 0.01g
Dimensions12"W x 6"D x 9"H
Weight (lbs)9
Country/region of manufactureCanada
Custom LabelNB3