ACE Glass 6695-02 Abderhalden Drying Chamber Only - 24/40 & 40/35

ACE Glass 6695-02 Abderhalden Drying Chamber Only - 24/40 & 40/35

Available quantity:1


When using this improved form Abderhalden vacuum drying apparatus, the material to be dried is placed in the inner tube.

When the liquid in the distilling flask boils, the vapors pass through the drying chamber and heat the inner tube at a constant temperature. The vapors then ascend to the reflux condenser, condense, and flow back through the return tube into the boiling flask. The boiling flask is 250mL capacity, with [ST] 24/40 joint. Desiccant flask has an interchangeable stopcock and [ST] 40/35 joint. Fabricated from borosilicate glass. 

Note: Complete apparatus consists of drying chamber, desiccant flask, jacketed Allihn condenser and boiling flask.

Price is for one drying chamber ONLY.


ManufacturerAce Glass Inc
ConditionNew open box
Serial NumberNone
Condition DescriptionOPEN PACKAGE - NOT USED
Country/region of manufactureUnited States
Custom LabelEE4