100mL Graduated Cylinder - Assorted Brands

100mL Graduated Cylinder - Assorted Brands

Available quantity:2


These graduated cylinders, also known as a measuring cylinders, are a common piece of laboratory equipment used to precisely measure the volume of liquids. Graduated cylinders are made of borosilicate glass which contributes to its high durability and heat-resistance. A 100 mL graduated cylinder can be used in chemistry labs for measuring liquids to an accuracy of 1 ml (1cc).

Price is for one cylinder. Assorted brands are available - please inquiry for availability and specify required class (A or B), if applicable.


ManufacturerKimble Chase, HmbG and Norchemist
ModelKIMAX ValueWare
Serial NumberNone
MPN50015-100 and GP-GC-0021
Condition DescriptionNEW - NOT USED
Country/region of manufactureUnited States
Custom LabelR5