Hoskin Scientific Slide Warmer

Hoskin Scientific Slide Warmer

Available quantity:1


The Hoskin Scientific slide warmer gives adjustable warming and drying for microscope slides without the use of bars. This slide dryer has a generous aluminum plate surface area, and should hold approximately 75 slides across the 24" x 7” area. The durable plate of this Fisher slide warmer is painted black for low glare and contrast against samples and is easy to clean. Temperatures are controlled from the upfront analog knob. This drying bench reaches a maximum temperature of 65°C (TO BE CONFIRMED) quickly with a special indicator light to alert users when heating is in progress.


ManufacturerHoskin Scientific
Serial NumberNone
MPNDoes not apply
Condition DescriptionIN GOOD WORKING ORDER
Electrical Requirements115V, 50/60hZ
Dimensions24"W x 8"D x 4"H
Weight (lbs)10
Country/region of manufactureCanada
Custom LabelF5B