Bel-Art H18960-0000 Pipette Support Rack

Bel-Art H18960-0000 Pipette Support Rack

Available quantity:1


The Bel-Art H18960-0000 rack supports pipettes without pressure on fragile tips. The rack horizontally holds 12 volumetric or graduated pipettes 1mL and larger (longer than 22cm / 8⅝"). The polyethylene plastic support measures 24.1cm x 17.8cm (9½ x 7") wide and 29.2cm (11½") high. There is 21.3cm (8⅜") between plates with a 1.9cm (¾") diameter carrying bar at the top.


ManufacturerBel-Art Products
Serial NumberNone
Condition DescriptionIN GOOD CONDITION
Country/region of manufactureUnited States
Custom LabelE5C