Nalgene 5935-0016 Test Tube Slant Rack - 40 x 16mm

Nalgene 5935-0016 Test Tube Slant Rack - 40 x 16mm

Available quantity:2


Hold tubes on a consistent slant using Nalgene test tube slant racks. Useful for hardening media or incubating liquid cultures at a consistent 5° or 20° slant when rack is set down on either side. Autoclave or microwave tubes of media right in the rack. Holds forty 15-16mm culture tubes; 4 x 10 array. Higher specific gravity than water so stays submerged in a water bath; won't float. These racks are stackable when empty.

** Price is for one rack - picture of the new rack is a sample only.


ManufacturerNalgene Corp
Serial NumberNone
Condition DescriptionIN GOOD CONDITION
Custom LabelT5