Agilent 6890A Plus (G1530A) FID Gas Chromatograph with Autoinjector

Agilent 6890A Plus (G1530A) FID Gas Chromatograph with Autoinjector

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The HP Agilent 6890A Plus (G1530A) gas chromatograph with split/splitless inlet is designed for an array of applications including hydrocarbon processing, food safety, pesticide determination, chemical analysis, biodiesel, drug screening, toxicology, environmental and law enforcement.

The HP 6890 series GC system delivers unprecedented levels of performance, convenience, productivity, and eases regulatory compliance. The HP 6890 series GC features electronic pneumatics control of all gas pressures and flows. Onboard sensors automatically compensate for ambient temperature changes and barometric pressure differences to routinely achieve more accurate and reproducible results.

This GC has an FID detector and includes the following used accessories:

1) HP G1513A (5958-9425) autoinjector - The autoinjector removes a volume of sample from a vial and injects it into the inlet or a column on your GC. The 7673 injector contains the syringe, a syringe carriage, a six-position standard turret, a cooling fan that you can turn off, parameter switches, and a last sample vial switch. The turret rotates sample vials and solvent and waste bottles into position under the syringe.

2) DB-624UI capillary column - The Agilent DB-624 UI (122-1334UI) is a mid-polar 6% cyanopropyl/phenyl, 94% polydimethylsiloxane fused silica capillary column. It is bonded, crosslinked, solvent-rinseable, and has a -20°C to 260°C temperature range. It is equivalent to USP phase G43. - 30M x 0.25mm x 1.40µm film thickness, 7 inch cage

3) Gas Clean carrier gas filter - The Agilent Gas Clean Filter system delivers high purity gases to your analytical instruments, reducing the risk of column damage, sensitivity loss, and instrument downtime. The filters are designed for use with the GC, GC/MS, ICP-OES, ICP-MS, LC/MS, and any other analysis instrument using carrier gas. This filters out oxygen and moisture from the carrier gas.

NOTE: A copy of ChemStation software will be included. The capillary column may be substituted from available inventory. Price will be adjusted accordingly - please inquire.



ManufacturerAgilent Technologies Inc
Model6890A Plus
Serial NumberUS00039676, US74403919, 430021WER and US1809516H
MPNG1530A, G1513A (5958-9425), 122-1334UI and CP17973
Condition DescriptionIN GOOD WORKING ORDER
Electrical Requirements120V, 47.5/63hZ, 2250vA
Electrical Certification / ApprovalCSA
Country/region of manufactureUnited States
Custom LabelWHS