Eisco SigmaTron 201L Low Voltage Digital Power Supply

Eisco SigmaTron 201L Low Voltage Digital Power Supply

Available quantity:1


This is a very unique low current regulated power supply. The 10V, 2A output is continuously variable & adjustable from 0-10V. The output voltage is adjusted with the help of the control knob duly-marked on the front panel. The digitally-displayed output is electronically short circuit protected. Operates on 120 VAC, 60hZ.


ManufacturerEisco Labs Inc
ModelSigmaTron 201L
Serial NumberS1004048902
MPNDoes not apply
Condition DescriptionIN GOOD WORKING ORDER
Electrical Requirements120V, 60hZ, 50W
Electrical Certification / ApprovalCSA
Dimensions9"W x 7"D x 4"H
Weight (lbs)6
Country/region of manufactureUnited States
Custom LabelNAN4