Corning PYREX 6945-13L Round Chromatography Tank - 13.2L

Corning PYREX 6945-13L Round Chromatography Tank - 13.2L

Available quantity:1


The Corning 6945-13L PYREX 13.2L cylindrical chromatography tank is made of Pyrex borosilicate glass code 7740 material. Top is ground to close tolerance to ensure tight cover fit. The jar edge is flat within 0.254mm (0.01").

Height: 457 mm

O.D.: 222 mm 

Note: Do not use with heat, vacuum, or pressure applications.

Cover is not included. There are some minor chips around the rim - price reduced accordingly.


ManufacturerCorning Inc
Serial NumberNone
Condition DescriptionIN GOOD CONDITION
Dimensions8"ID x 18"H
Country/region of manufactureUnited States
Custom LabelC4