Sargent-Welch PH8001 pH Meter with New pH Electrode

Sargent-Welch PH8001 pH Meter with New pH Electrode

Available quantity:1


The Sargent-Welch PH8001 meter simultaneously displays pH/mV and temperature. The meter accepts any replacement pH electrode with a BNC connector. This meter includes a new Hanna HI 1110B pH electrode.

Range: 0.00 to 14.00pH/±399.9mV to ±1999mV/0 to 100°C

Resolution: 0.01pH/0.1mV/1mV/0.1°C

Accuracy: ±0.01pH/0.2mV/±1mV/0.5°C


ManufacturerSargent-Welch and Hanna Instruments
ModelPH8001 and HI 1110B
Serial Number474442
MPNDoes not apply
Condition DescriptionIN GOOD WORKING ORDER
Electrical Requirements115V, 50/60hZ, 5W
Electrical Certification / Approval.
Dimensions9"W x 7"D x 3"H
Weight (lbs)2
Country/region of manufacturePortugal
Custom LabelW3