Anton Paar DMA 4000 Density Meter

Anton Paar DMA 4000 Density Meter

Available quantity:1


The Anton Paar DMA 4000 density meter is a four-place instrument that is ideal for QC found in food and beverage, chemical, pharmaceutical and petrochemical industries. A large number of built-in tables allow the user to handle most common applications easily. The DMA 4000 can be combined with a sample changer (not included). Up to 48 measuring results can be stored in the instrument and then printed or transferred to a PC or LIMS later.

The DMA 4000 is an oscillating U-tube density meter which measures highest accuracy in wide viscosity and temperature ranges. A unique reference oscillator, in addition to the U-tube oscillator, provides extraordinary long-term stability and makes adjustments at temperatures other than 20 °C virtually unnecessary. By measuring the damping of the U-tube’s oscillation caused by the viscosity of the filled-in sample, DMA 4000 automatically corrects viscosity-related errors. Two integrated Pt 100 platinum thermometers provide the highest accuracy of temperature control, and are traceable to national standards.



ManufacturerAnton Paar
ModelDMA 4000
Serial Number865722
MPNDoes not apply
Condition DescriptionIN GOOD WORKING ORDER
Electrical Requirements120V, 60hZ, 50vA
Electrical Certification / ApprovalCSA
Dimensions16"W x 12"D x 8"H
Weight (lbs)45
Country/region of manufactureAustria
Custom LabelNR3