Corning PYREX 3405 Volatile Oil 100mL Distillation Apparatus for Oils Lighter Than Water

Corning PYREX 3405 Volatile Oil 100mL Distillation Apparatus for Oils Lighter Than Water

Available quantity:3


This Corning PYREX (or equivalent) volatile oil distilling apparatus is designed for use with oils lighter than water. The apparatus consists of a Clevenger-type volatile oil trap graduated to 5.0mL in 0.1mL increments with cold finger condenser with 24/40 standard taper joints, and 100mL round bottom flask with a 24/40 standard taper Joint.

Price is for one 100 mL set.


ManufacturerCorning Inc
Serial NumberNone
MPNDoes not apply
Condition DescriptionIN GOOD CONDITION
Capacity / Volume100 mL
Country/region of manufactureUnited States
Custom LabelEE2