TSL 14-386-304A Spectrosil Quartz Micro Cuvette with Stopper - 7 mL (Pack of 2)

TSL 14-386-304A Spectrosil Quartz Micro Cuvette with Stopper - 7 mL (Pack of 2)

Available quantity:2


Pack of 2 sample cells for Far UV spectral range, Microcuvette with stopper, 20mm light path, Spectrosil quartz, 22mm L x 13mm W x 45mm H, 7mL capacity, Two polished windows, Walls polished internally, Fine ground externally

Price is for one pack of 2 cuvettes.


ManufacturerThermal Syndicate Ltd
Serial NumberNone
Condition DescriptionIN GOOD CONDITION
Volume7 mL
Country/region of manufactureUnited States
Custom LabelNR4