Spectro Ciros EK0014A3 Measurement/Control Board DMB

Spectro Ciros EK0014A3 Measurement/Control Board DMB

Available quantity:1


This Spectro EK0014A3 (0014 LS) measurement/control board was removed from a Spectro Ciros Vision ICP-OES spectrometer. The EK0014A3 Measurement/Control board DMB controls the functions which ensure a safe operation of the SPECTRO CIROS VISION. The communication with the PC is carried out through the DMB connection followed by an Ethernet connection. The link between these connections is the DSP Ethernet controller EK0011--.


ManufacturerSpectro Ametek
Serial NumberP0101
Condition DescriptionIN GOOD CONDITION
Country/region of manufactureUnited States
Custom LabelF4B