Millipore Milli-Q RG Ultra-Pure Water Purifier

Millipore Milli-Q RG Ultra-Pure Water Purifier

Available quantity:1


The Millipore Milli-Q RG ultra-pure water purifier is perfect for HPLC, ion chromatography, TOC analysis, AA spectrophotometry, cell culture, in vitro fertilization, monoclonal antibody production, and DNA research. An alphanumeric display indicates the Milli-Q water purifier's operating status at all times, with built-in testing of resistivity accuracy as well as a resistivity monitor, temperature-compensated to 25°C. During periods of no demand, the Milli-Q water purifier can be switched to standby operation where water quality is maintained by automatic intermittent recirculation at preset intervals.


ManufacturerMillipore Corp
ModelMilli-Q RG
Serial NumberF6MM10746B
Condition DescriptionIN WORKING ORDER
Electrical Requirements115V, 60hZ, 35vA
Electrical Certification / Approval.
Dimensions11"W x 14"D x 19.5"H
Weight (lbs)18
Country/region of manufactureFrance
Custom LabelBR12