Biochrom Novaspec III Classic Visible Spectrophotometer (330 to 830nm)

Biochrom Novaspec III Classic Visible Spectrophotometer (330 to 830nm)

Available quantity:2


These Biochrom Novaspec III Classic (P/N 80-2118-00) visible spectrophotometers are being sold AS-IS for parts. Replacement lamp MAY be available, but power supply is not included. See photos for error details. Price is for one unit - please specify preference when ordering.

The Novaspec III visible spectrophotometer has been designed to meet the needs of both students and technical staff in education. The instrument is small and light in weight with a large display that shows large characters, ensuring all results are easy to read. In addition, the user manual includes simple experiments for the determination of λ max, extinction coefficient and natural bandwidth as well as the construction of a standard curve and the measurement of stray light.

The Novaspec III measures absorbance, percentage transmission and concentration as well as being able to output absorbance—time plots directly to chart recorder.

The Novaspec III accepts standard 10-mm pathlength glass or plastic cuvettes; a test tube adapter set is available (not included). The cell holder can be removed for cleaning. 

Wavelength range: 330–830 nm

Absorbance range, A: -0.3–2.500

Bandwidth: 7 nm

Stray light: < 1%T at 340 nm



ManufacturerBiochrom Ltd
ModelNovaspec III Classic
ConditionAs is
Serial Number95494 and 99366
Condition DescriptionSELLING AS-IS FOR PARTS
Wavelength range330–830 nm
Electrical Requirements9VDC, 10vA power adapter (not included)
Electrical Certification / ApprovalCSA
Dimensions13"W x 8.5"D x 5"H
Weight (lbs)4
Country/region of manufactureUnited Kingdom
Custom Label.