Schleicher & Schuell B-2 Weighing Paper - 6" x 6"

Schleicher & Schuell B-2 Weighing Paper - 6" x 6"

Available quantity:1


Grade B-2 Balance Weighing Paper/Parchment Paper - 6" x 6" - Pack of 500 sheets

Grade B-2 parchment weighing paper are of uniform texture and size so that each sheet is approximately the same weight. The paper possesses sufficient body to support moderately large amounts of solids. Because of the smooth surface, solids do not adhere but flow freely from it.


ManufacturerSchleicher & Schuell
ConditionNew open box
Serial NumberNone
MPNDoes not apply
Condition DescriptionOPEN BOX - Some papers may have been removed
Country/region of manufactureUnited States
Custom LabelF1