Wika XSEL 233.34 Calibrated Pressure Gauge (0 to 600 psi)

Wika XSEL 233.34 Calibrated Pressure Gauge (0 to 600 psi)

Available quantity:1


The 233.34 gauges are for applications with high dynamic pressure pulsations or vibration. Suitable for corrosive environments and gaseous or liquid media that will not obstruct the pressure system. Features a range of 0 to 600 psi. 4.5"dial, dry case.


For applications with high dynamic pressure pulsations or vibration a liquid filled case and socket restrictor are available from manufacturer. Suitable for corrosive environments and gaseous or liquid media that will not obstruct the pressure system.

Process industry: chemical/petrochemical, power stations, mining, on and offshore, environmental technology, mechanical engineering, and plant construction

Product Features:

Excellent load-cycle stability and shock resistance

Solid front thermoplastic case

Positive pressure ranges to 30,000 psi (2,000 bar)

All lower mount connection gauges are factory-prepared for case filling


Serial Number1037172-5
Condition DescriptionIN GOOD CONDITION
Country/region of manufactureUnited States
Custom LabelU2