Honeywell VMU300A1046 Venturi Mixing Unit with Apollo GB50 Shut-Off Valve

Honeywell VMU300A1046 Venturi Mixing Unit with Apollo GB50 Shut-Off Valve

Available quantity:1


The venturi mixing unit (VMU), combined with the gas valves and specific direct current (DC) fan, has been developed for modulating premix appliances like gas burners and gas boilers. The venturi manifold is a gas/air mixing unit that allows modulation of a premix burner with constant gas/air ratio down to 14 to 17% of maximum load. It is used in combination with a fan (not included) and the V4730C/V8730C 1:1 regulation gas valve. The modulation is accomplished by changing the fan speed.

This assembly is being sold AS-IS - as seen in photos.


ModelVenturi and Apollo
Serial NumberNone
MPNVMU300A1046 and GB50
Condition DescriptionUNABLE TO FULLY TEST - SOLD AS-IS
Country/region of manufactureUnited States
Custom LabelH2