Supelco VOCOL (24154) Capillary Column - 60M x 0.25mm x 1.5µm

Supelco VOCOL (24154) Capillary Column - 60M x 0.25mm x 1.5µm

Available quantity:3


60M x 0.25mm x 1.5µm thickness - This intermediate polarity column, designed for analyses of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), offers great retention and resolution of highly volatile compounds. Use this column in direct injection ports or coupled to purge and trap systems. USP Code: None; Phase: Bonded, Proprietary. Temperature limits: Subambient to 250°C (isothermal or programmed). Application: VOCOL column (diphenyl dimethyl polysiloxane with crosslinking moieties) may be used for their relevancy to the purge-and-trap technique and GC/MS analysis of 34 volatile organics.It was also found suitable in being used for determination of volatile compounds by whole column cryotrapping.

Price is for one column.


ManufacturerSupelco Analytical
ConditionNew open box
Serial Number39746-04, 31283-06 and 14171-03
Condition DescriptionOPEN BOX - NOT USED
Country/region of manufactureUnited States
Custom LabelG4