Restek Stabilwax-DA (11054) Capillary Column - 30M x 0.32mm x 1.0µm

Restek Stabilwax-DA (11054) Capillary Column - 30M x 0.32mm x 1.0µm

Available quantity:1


30M x 0.32mm x 1.0m thickness - polar phase; Crossbond acid-deactivated Carbowax polyethylene glycol—for acidic compounds. Application-specific columns for free (underivatized) acids, some inorganic acids. Resistant to oxidative damage. Equivalent to USP G25, G35 phases. Ideal for analyzing distilled liquor and other alcoholic beverages. Stabil wax-DA bonded polyethylene glycol has an acidic functionality incorporated into the polymer structure. This permits analysis of acidic compounds without derivatization, significantly reduces adsorption of acids, and increases sample capacity for volatile free acids. Stabil wax-DA columns last longer and give better peak shapes for high molecular weight acids. Some inorganic acids also chromatograph well on a Stabil wax-DA column; the limitation is the volatility of the acidic compound.


ManufacturerRestek Corp
ConditionNew open box
Serial Number724440
Condition DescriptionOPEN BOX - NOT USED
Country/region of manufactureUnited States
Custom LabelG4