Supelco SPB-1 Sulfur (24158) Capillary Column (30M x 0.32mm x 4.0µm)

Supelco SPB-1 Sulfur (24158) Capillary Column (30M x 0.32mm x 4.0µm)

Available quantity:1


30M x 0.32mm x 4.0m thickness - A specialized version of the SPB-1, this column was developed for analyses of sulfur gases and other volatile sulfur compounds. The column displays relatively low column bleed, which makes it compatible for use with sulfur-specific detectors. USP Code: This column meets USP G1, G2, and G9 requirements. Phase: Bonded; Poly(dimethyl siloxane). Temperature limits: -60 °C to 300 °C (isothermal or programmed).


ManufacturerSupelco Analytical
ModelSPB-1 Sulfur
ConditionNew open box
Serial Number5482-03A
Condition DescriptionOPEN BOX - NOT USED
Country/region of manufactureUnited States
Custom LabelG4