Millipore Rogard II CDPRM1206 Prefilter (Box of 3)

Millipore Rogard II CDPRM1206 Prefilter (Box of 3)

Available quantity:1


Rogard II Prefilter 30cm (12") - For optimal protection of Reverse Osmosis membrane - The Rogard Pretreatment has been designed to pretreat water by removing large particles, organic compounds and free chlorine from tap water. This protects the reverse osmosis (RO) membrane against organic fouling and chlorine oxidation. 


• Optimal protection of reverse osmosis (RO) membrane

• Ensures system lifetime and performance are optimized.


ManufacturerMillipore Corp
ModelRogard II
ConditionNew open box
Serial NumberNone
Country/region of manufactureUnited States
Custom LabelB5E