Thermo Hypersil CPS Cyano HPLC Column - 15 cm × 4.6 mm x 5µm

Thermo Hypersil CPS Cyano HPLC Column - 15 cm × 4.6 mm x 5µm

Available quantity:1


When you need a different selectivity in normal phase or a complementary selectivity to alkyl chains in reverse phase, use Thermo Scientific Hypersil CPS Cyano LC Columns. Hypersil stationary phases are recognized as an industry standard in HPLC. Proven as an effective analytical tool, classical Hypersil phases are well established and referenced in HPLC methods. Quality is assured by manufacture under ISO 9001-2000 quality guidelines. Columns feature more rapid mobile phase equilibration compared with silica in normal phase, are not deactivated by traces of water in normal phase and are one of the least retentive of reversed phase materials and, therefore, useful to separate polar compounds.


ManufacturerThermo Scientific
ModelHypersil CPS Cyano
Serial NumberE7010B-46
Condition DescriptionIN GOOD CONDITION
Country/region of manufactureUnited States
Custom LabelG4