Kimble KIMAX 26500 (and Equivalent) Narrow Mouth Erlenmeyer Flask - 1000mL

Kimble KIMAX 26500 (and Equivalent) Narrow Mouth Erlenmeyer Flask - 1000mL

Available quantity:3


Price is for one flask. We also have other equivalent brands available - see photos.

Kimble 26500-1000 KIMAX 1000mL Narrow Mouth Erlenmeyer Flask with Reinforced Beaded Rim - These 1L narrow mouth Erlenmeyer flasks are the choice for general laboratory usage; designed to meet ASTM Specification E1404, Type I, Class 1 requirements. Designed for economy and versatility, tops are reinforced and tooled with a rounded finish, containing more glass to give them maximum mechanical strength. Body is thick walled with a long tapered outside contour to minimize chipping when struck or rubbed together. All flasks have durable white ceramic enamel scales to indicate approximate volumes at various levels, useful in measuring/mixing solutions where a high degree of accuracy is not necessary.

Rubber stopper number: 9 (not included)

Graduation range: 250-1000mL

Graduation interval: 50mL

Height: 213-216mm

Outer diameter: 128-129mm


ManufacturerKimble Chase and Norchemist
Serial NumberNone
Condition DescriptionIN GOOD CONDITION
Country/region of manufactureUnited States
Custom LabelNS1